Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Summit Lake campout

For October we hiked in about 2 1/2 miles to Summit Lake. As the name imply's, it is a steep hike up to the summit. A climb of approx. 1000 feet vertically. Camp was at approx. 5500 foot elevation. We had a great campfire and enjoyed the visit of the older, Varsity Scouts from our super troop. Asside from some tent mischief by the older scouts they behaved pretty well. I do remember some threats of retaliation though.

Overall, the boys had a great time! We fished Friday evening and a couple fish were caught and eaten. One was found dead and eaten... go Jashon! The weather was nice on the Friday evening and night and the temperature was mild. Saturday morning it cooled down and a light snow started falling so we decided to break camp and head out, not wanting to get caught in a mountain snow storm.

The hike out was all downhill and was much easier. We hiked at a fast pace and were out in about 45 minutes or less. Spirits were high and everyone had a great time. Let's do it again!!!

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