Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hi Everyone,

It's been a busy summer for all. Scout camp was productive and educational for the boys!

Now it's time for our September outing! We are going fishing on the Green River after Salmon. The boys have been learning how to fish and tie fisherman knots. All are excited for this trip and hopeful of catching a whopper.

We will meet at the church Friday the 24th at 4pm. Lake Tapps boys will meet at my house at 4pm. We will camp in Kanaskat-Palmer State Park. Boys will need tents, sleeping gear, fishing gear, food for 3 meals, cooking/eating tools, swimming trunks/towel and a change of clothes. Rain gear is a good precaution although the current forcast is for nicer weather, there is a chance of rain Friday night.

Next month we are camping at camp Hahobas at the Zombie invasion Camporee! It will be the 3rd weekend which is October 15,16.

October 22,23 is a pow wow at the puyallup south stake (the meadows)building. More about that later. just put it on your calendars for now.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Summer is almost here!

Hello again everyone!
It is the end of May and the boys have had a great year so far. On the 14th of May we went to Blake Island on a canoe trip across the Puget Sound. It was about 3 miles of canoeing and the boys had a great experience and lots of fun. This is one of the favorite trips we do each year!

Next Month we will be going to Zions Camp near the Hood Canal, for our campout. We will be participating in Nephi Smith's Eagle Project by helping to rebuild the Stage in King Benjamin's court. We will meet at the church at 4 pm as usual, drive to Zion's Camp, tear down the existing stage and haul it to the fire area. We will sleep in the Lehi long houses, have a bonfire / fireside Friday night at Lehi's amphitheater and then build the new stage on Saturday. We expect to finish the project Saturday!

This is a great opportunity for Fathers to go with their sons and be of service and have a great time! We look forward to seeing all of you there!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

We have a great year planned for scouting! The boys have come up with a fun and challenging schedule of campouts and advancement for the 2010 year and we are excited about it! From Snow camps to white water rafting, our boys have planned to have a fun filled and adventurous year. As leaders we are excited to have the priviledge of serving with such great young men. We look forward to a wonderful year with your son's.

We encourage all parents of youth to become involved in the committee in your ward and support your scout in every way.