Monday, August 31, 2009

Washjam 2009

We had a wonderful adventure at the Washington State Jamboree! We set up camp in an organized manner and had our own flag pole and a gate for entrance. We put all 3 of our Wards in the same camping are and then shared the cooking canopies and common area's. It was very nice to have the Wards interact with each other in such a cooperative and fun manner.

The Jamboree featured events and entertainment for all ages. There were rock climbing walls, bridges made of rope and poles, knife, axe, and spear throwing, Log Toss, shot put, stick pulls, baseball throw, frisbee golf, rifle shooting and host of other activies.

The Midway are had displays, and vendor items of all sorts, even a gold panning area where the boys could get real gold in their pan.

Sunday was a very spiritual day beginning with Sacrament meeting with about 1600 scouts in attendance! That's a lot of sacrament to pass, but the Lakewood Stake aaronic priesthood did it quickly and without a single person missed.
Elder Perrin Walker of the 70 presided and we were addressed by him and other church leaders throughout the day. It was a long day for some of the younger boys but very worth it.

In order to keep the sabbath we didn't break camp and come home until Monday morning. We were glad we went. There were almost 40 of us there between the 3 Wards, including the adults who came. We probably had over 50 present on Sunday for the services.

It was a great Experience and a definite boost to the Scouting Spirit in all of us.